contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
Still, John Carpenter’s They Live is a uniquely resonant political statement today, as blunt and powerful as an atomic drop from star Rowdy Roddy Piper. A new video essay combines clips from the movies, archival interviews with Carpenter, analysis from philosopher Slavoj Žižek, and clips of news broadcasts from the intervening years to show how the economic forces that inspired the movie have only gathered strength, reinforcing the film’s power.avclub

Why They Live will never die

Still, John Carpenter’s They Live is a uniquely resonant political statement today, as blunt and powerful as an atomic drop from star Rowdy Roddy Piper. A new video essay combines clips from the movies, archival interviews with Carpenter, analysis from philosopher Slavoj Žižek, and clips of news broadcasts from the intervening years to show how the economic forces that inspired the movie have only gathered strength, reinforcing the film’s power.
In Apocalypse Then, we revisit movies that depict the onset of nuclear war and the immediate aftermath of annihilation. You know—for fun.AVClub

If you want to see how we’ll handle nuclear apocalypse, watch Miracle Mile

In Apocalypse Then, we revisit movies that depict the onset of nuclear war and the immediate aftermath of annihilation. You know—for fun.
Computers are getting smarter, but first they’re stuck in some sort of uncanny valley of intelligence, reassembling normal, everyday objects into increasingly creepy combinations. First came the revelations of Google’s DeepDream technology, which, in learning to “see” objects, “saw” creepy multi-eyed organisms all over the place, turning the world into a half-sentient dog-like mess.AVCLUB

This AI’s attempt to write a Christmas carol is absolutely bone-chilling

Computers are getting smarter, but first they’re stuck in some sort of uncanny valley of intelligence, reassembling normal, everyday objects into increasingly creepy combinations. First came the revelations of Google’s DeepDream technology, which, in learning to “see” objects, “saw” creepy multi-eyed organisms all over the place, turning the world into a half-sentient dog-like mess.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.





Begging bowl for donations.

all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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