contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
Photojournalist Kevin Frayer traveled to Mongolia with Getty Images and captured some haunting pictures.BUZZFEED

These Photos From a Chinese Factory Are Haunting

Photojournalist Kevin Frayer traveled to Mongolia with Getty Images and captured some haunting pictures.
Overthrowing centuries of injustice one nap at a time.BUZZFEED

26 Cats Working Towards The Destruction Of The Patriarchy

Overthrowing centuries of injustice one nap at a time.
Inside the $12,000 weeklong program teaching rising entrepreneurs that the secret to success is as simple as being able to tell the future.BUZZFEED

Sci-Fi, Religion, And Silicon Valley’s Quest For Higher Learning At Singularity University

Inside the $12,000 weeklong program teaching rising entrepreneurs that the secret to success is as simple as being able to tell the future.
Worth for the Finnegans Wake one: You’re lying. If you’re not lying, why are you reading No. 25 on a list of jokes on the internet? Cure cancer. // These books are harmless. Until a friend or loved one tells you that one of them is their favorite.Buzzfeed

28 Favorite Books That Are Huge Red Flags

Worth for the Finnegans Wake one: You’re lying. If you’re not lying, why are you reading No. 25 on a list of jokes on the internet? Cure cancer. // These books are harmless. Until a friend or loved one tells you that one of them is their favorite.
We asked a group of writers to consider the forces that have shaped our lives in 2017. Here, science fiction writer Ted Chiang looks at capitalism, Silicon Valley, and its fear of superintelligent AI.buzzfeed

Silicon Valley Is Turning Into Its Own Worst Fear

We asked a group of writers to consider the forces that have shaped our lives in 2017. Here, science fiction writer Ted Chiang looks at capitalism, Silicon Valley, and its fear of superintelligent AI.
It's pretty much exactly what you might expect. (He was already pretty successful.)BUZZFEED

30-Year-Old Woody Allen's Resume

It's pretty much exactly what you might expect. (He was already pretty successful.)

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.





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all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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