contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
This a recitation for the second and third chapters of The King of Samadhis

Recitation: The King of Samadhis Sutra 02-03

This a recitation for the second and third chapters of The King of Samadhis Sutra.
On the other extreme from spiritual bypass -- using your path as an excuse for not dealing with the commonsense practicalities of money and relationships -- lies therapeutical bypass. That is the idea that you need your life in order even before you think to start practicing the

Therapeutical bypass of Dharma

On the other extreme from spiritual bypass -- using your path as an excuse for not dealing with the commonsense practicalities of money and relationships -- lies therapeutical bypass. That is the idea that you need your life in order even before you think to start practicing the Dharma.
There's supposedly a new form of Buddhism around: rupayana. But isn't it the same old colonialist appropriation of dharma in the name of

Rupayana? Buddhism and the metaphysics of matter

There's supposedly a new form of Buddhism around: rupayana. But isn't it the same old colonialist appropriation of dharma in the name of "purifying it" from its embarrassing "primitive people's" beliefs, such as rebirth or magic? Isn't it the the same 2010s "Buddhism without beliefs", or even the same 19th century Buddhism+British Civility diluted and served down at colonies? Shouldn't we focus more on dissipating the reification of substance, or metaphysical notions such as physicalist monism, rather than trying whitewashing the dharma?
On of the tracks of Voice of Tibet, a CD by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, translated and transliterated for recitation. It is actually the beginning portion of the famous Karma Lingpa cycle's ngondro, which quaint orientalists used to call “Tibetan Book of the Dead”

Prayer upon awakening

On of the tracks of Voice of Tibet, a CD by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, translated and transliterated for recitation. It is actually the beginning portion of the famous Karma Lingpa cycle's ngondro, which quaint orientalists used to call “Tibetan Book of the Dead”.
All the videos on the Big Tendrel

Big Tendrel: Complete List of Videos

All the videos on the Big Tendrel Chanel.
Some books Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche recommended in his teachings or in his social network

Books recommended by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Some books Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche recommended in his teachings or in his social network activity.
This a recitation for the fourth and fifth chapters of The King of Samadhis

Recitation: The King of Samadhis Sutra 04-05

This a recitation for the fourth and fifth chapters of The King of Samadhis Sutra.

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Padma Dorje.





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all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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