Padma Dorje (en)
I was born in São Paulo in 1975, under the name of Eduardo Pinheiro de Souza. My father was a regional director at Phillip Morris of Brazil and died of lung cancer in 1977. I had a long, spoiled childhood-adolescence, having washed my first dish at the age of 22. I have lived most of my life in Porto Alegre.
Compulsive information consumer
Ever since I learned to read I always have considered myself a book worm, and I keep a list of books that deeply impressed me. Besides the books, I maintain a relatively organized large collection of audio and video files. One of my persistent worries is to define priorities and achieve coherence on my unbridled information consumption, thence my interest on the attention economy.
I use computers since 1985, having participated on communities connected with Sinclair and ZX Spectrum, Amiga 500 and BBSs. I “was in the room” when the internet arrived in Brazil — I was doing a high school level course at the main University in the area (UFRGS), around 1993. Occasionally I use some of this computer expertise to make some cash, but in general I find it not to be worth the effort (money/work ratio, personal satisfaction and the client's contentment — even when the job is well done, the fact is I feel rarely someone gets content with anything done on/with the computer1Even the most hyped services and programs in the world get to be mere constant targets of complaints: on this culture of programmed obsolescence we don't look at what is good, but at what can be improved—therefore the race is endless, and unsatisfactory for the most of us that don't have a Columbus’ egg or the right profile to be entrepreneurs.). I keep a list of software and services I endorse.
During the 90’s, I did several internships at the Federal University administration for four years2This enabled me to meet professors of all faculties., and I disillusioned hard from the academic world and teachers in general, deciding not to go to college. After a troubled period involving kabbalah, wicca and hallucinogenics, I encountered the Buddhist practice, and for the next 12 years I worked solely as volunteer in Buddhist institutions. I mainly worked in things related to web presence and as an English interpreter for the teachers — but connected to dharma centers I have also worked in construction, as a receptionist and doorman, singing and leading liturgies, as an accountant, waiter and personal assistant — with varied degrees of success. Check out the list of dharma centers and Buddhist teachers I personally vouch for.
After a few years, and through the recommendation of a Buddhist teacher, I ended up graduating as a Philosophy bachelor at UFGRS.
Now, in order to complement my earnings as a freelance writer and translator I also am trying to be an youtuber.
I hope to soon to take some time to finish writing six books that are quite near completion. I have published three of my books.
I play several musical instruments as a hobby, particularly the electric guitar. Some of the songs I have recorded can be found at Sound Cloud. I also love cinema, and I keep a public link for all the ratings I give on IMDb. I really enjoy polemics and debate. Check the causes and principles I stand for and also some relevant concepts to remember.
Hey ho, let's go
I can be contacted with questions or offerings by email or through the contact us form.
The page pertaining to this URL was last updated in 08/01/24.
See also
◦ This page's Portuguese version has more references and information about me.
◦ Amazon wishlist: you can offer me a gift.
◦ Books I am currently reading.
1. ^ Even the most hyped services and programs in the world get to be mere constant targets of complaints: on this culture of programmed obsolescence we don't look at what is good, but at what can be improved—therefore the race is endless, and unsatisfactory for the most of us that don't have a Columbus’ egg or the right profile to be entrepreneurs.
2. ^ This enabled me to meet professors of all faculties.

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A Review of the Madhyamaka Course by Alex Trisoglio
Recently, a student of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Alex Trisoglio, presented the internet general public with a course on the Madhyamakavatara by Chandrakirti. Here some words on the course, and a particular discussion I had with Mr. Trisoglio.