Chögyam the Translator
“...he used to amazing effect the fact that no one expected him to speak syntactically perfect English. Subtle, complex, and mind-opening ambiguities, as well as multiple shades and layers of meaning emerged easily from his often slippery sentence structures. ... Trungpa Rinpoche spoke our language, with simplicity and directness. The kind of students he attracted never imagined they would learn his language, let alone recite liturgies or study commentaries in Tibetan. It had to be in English, and there seemed to be little effort needed, since he taught so completely in our language.”

We Can Run!
Karme Choling, 1978. We were all excited that Rinpoche was coming to give a teaching program. I was 22 years old. I’d been on the staff at KCL for a year and…

Uncovering Hidden Treasure
From Lion’s Jaws retells the story of the escape that Rinpoche described in the last part of Born in Tibet. It includes crucial events and material he omitted from the original account, weaves in a trove of survivors’ recollections and adds commentary to clarify the significance of events.

Reflections on Trungpa Rinpoche
For those who have never encountered Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, he’s a difficult person to describe. His presence is disarming and earthy, and he teaches with relaxed irreverence, much humor, and a brilliant command of dharma. He made the following remarks about Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche during two of the talks he gave in Halifax.

Across the Himalayas
Here are entries from Trungpa Rinpoche's diary made during the final month of his arduous escape from Tibet.

On the Mamos, the Dharmapala Principle and Mahakali Vetali
... the feminine principle, functions as a force of creating harmony, friendship, and connectedness, in relationships and family, in community, between self and nature, and between mind and body.

Rechungpa’s Repentance
Protective divinities, or protectors of the dharma, play a great and important role in the vajrayana teachings generally

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche on Trungpa Rinpoche
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche interviewed by Barry Boyce about Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche just before the Transcending Madness teachings.

Meditation: The Path of the Buddha
In 1974 during the inaugural session of The Naropa Institute, Chögyam Trungpa presented this course on meditation.

Burn Self Deception The Chronicles of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Burn Self Deception is Jim Lowrey's account of the day Trungpa Rinpoche got the Pygmies, and other community members, to stop smoking marijuana.