Dharma Magazines

Someone asked me why I wouldn't subscribe to Tricycle magazine. Bottom-line, they are first and foremost journalists, not practitioners. Their refuge is provocative news, not benefit. Sometimes they publish stuff that, on my humble distorted afflictive emotion filtered view, violates precepts. Even so, sometimes there's good things there too.
Dharma Magazines are kind of the core of the Buddhist North-American Spiritual Supermarket. Samsara-dharma, political agitation in a bad sense, some sensationalism. It is both good and bad that it is not connected to any Dharma center, and sometimes the denunciations are valid. But there's also lots of empty polemics, things prepared to stir afflictive emotions, etc. Of course, also lots of good things.
Shambhala Sun would be my choice of "dharma magazine". Even though it is too far from perfect. I would stick with oral teachings, and good well recommended Dharma Books in second place.

Exposing the Corporate “Mindfulness” Racket
“When the individualized self bears sole responsibility for its happiness and emotional wellbeing, failure is synonymous with failure of the self, not external conditions.” — Ron Purser

The Chokgyur Lingpa Terma Cycle
Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche details the uniqueness and power of the great treasure revealer Chogyur Lingpa.

Vajrayana-Buddhism in the Modern World: The Challenges of Maintaining an Authentic Tradition
In March 2018, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche gave teachings to the Rigpa Sangha in Berlin, London and Paris. These teachings are wonderful in any context, explain the Vajrayana practice of guru yoga in depth, and deal directly with the subject at hand.

Asanga’s Encounter with Maitreya
Asanga’s journey to meet Maitreya: 12 years in retreat, a dog devoured alive by worms, and the revelation of the five sacred texts that shaped Mahayana Buddhism in Tibet, China, and Japan.