contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
If you didn’t get enough bleak, dystopian scenarios out of this season, here are some similar science fiction novels to tide you over until the next season. // A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick: Speaking of Dick, no list of mind-bending science fiction books would be complete without him. Inspired partly by Dick’s own experiences with drug subcultures, A Scanner Darkly follows an undercover police officer, Bob Arctor, who has infiltrated a group of druggies who use a dangerous new drug called “Substance D.” The novel includes thought-provoking sci-fi concepts, like the “scramble suits” that project dozens of different photographs of people to preserve the wearer’s anonymity, as well as a conspiratorial twist at the end.GQ

12 Books to Read After Binge-Watching 'Black Mirror'

If you didn’t get enough bleak, dystopian scenarios out of this season, here are some similar science fiction novels to tide you over until the next season. // A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick: Speaking of Dick, no list of mind-bending science fiction books would be complete without him. Inspired partly by Dick’s own experiences with drug subcultures, A Scanner Darkly follows an undercover police officer, Bob Arctor, who has infiltrated a group of druggies who use a dangerous new drug called “Substance D.” The novel includes thought-provoking sci-fi concepts, like the “scramble suits” that project dozens of different photographs of people to preserve the wearer’s anonymity, as well as a conspiratorial twist at the end.

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Padma Dorje.






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