contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
Cups of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate have become mainstays of the modern British diet, dispensed in outlets in every high street and enjoyed in the home or during breaks at work.HISTORYEXTRA

A brief history of how we fell in love with caffeine and chocolate

Cups of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate have become mainstays of the modern British diet, dispensed in outlets in every high street and enjoyed in the home or during breaks at work.
From a ‘pride of lions’ to a ‘misbelief of painters’, many of the terms we use every day have roots in the distant past – specifically, the medieval period.HISTORYEXTRA

A murder of crows: 10 collective nouns you didn’t realise originate from the Middle Ages

From a ‘pride of lions’ to a ‘misbelief of painters’, many of the terms we use every day have roots in the distant past – specifically, the medieval period.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.






Begging bowl for donations.

all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution. Non commercial. Non derivatives.