contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
The reproductive health of the average male is in sharp decline, the world's largest study of the quality and concentration of sperm has found.INDEPENDENT

Scientists warn of sperm count crisis

The reproductive health of the average male is in sharp decline, the world's largest study of the quality and concentration of sperm has found.
Margaret Thatcher has been named the worst Prime Minister of the last 100 years, closely beating fellow Conservative David Cameron in a new survey of leading…INDEPENDENT

Margaret Thatcher is the worst prime minister in 100 years

Margaret Thatcher has been named the worst Prime Minister of the last 100 years, closely beating fellow Conservative David Cameron in a new survey of leading…
Andrei Tarkovsky's film Stalker, released in the USSR in 1979, radiates an enduring sense of mystery and disquiet. I have seen it five times, though viewing can feel like a penance.  // Tarkovsky erupted: it actually needed to be slower and duller at the start so that anyone who had walked into the wrong theatre would have time to leave before the action got under way.INDEPENDENT

Zona by Geoff Dyer

Andrei Tarkovsky's film Stalker, released in the USSR in 1979, radiates an enduring sense of mystery and disquiet. I have seen it five times, though viewing can feel like a penance. // Tarkovsky erupted: it actually needed to be slower and duller at the start so that anyone who had walked into the wrong theatre would have time to leave before the action got under way.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.





Begging bowl for donations.

all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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