contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
The Apple co-founder spent his own money, and more importantly, lots of his own time, showing us public school kids how to use the early internet.MOTHERBOARD

Steve Wozniak Was My Computer Teacher in 1995

The Apple co-founder spent his own money, and more importantly, lots of his own time, showing us public school kids how to use the early internet.
Iraqi artifacts smuggled into the US by Hobby Lobby contain new evidence of a lost Sumerian city, and have scholars divided over whether to study the looted relics.motherboard

eBay, Organized Crime, and Evangelical Christians: The Ethical Minefield of Studying Ancient Civilizations

Iraqi artifacts smuggled into the US by Hobby Lobby contain new evidence of a lost Sumerian city, and have scholars divided over whether to study the looted relics.
In a remote hilltop village above Turkey’s Black Sea coast, a group of villagers occasionally prefer to…Motherboard

A Whistled Turkish Dialect Is Challenging Theories of Languages and the Brain

In a remote hilltop village above Turkey’s Black Sea coast, a group of villagers occasionally prefer to…
Ever since humans have been telling stories, we've been telling stories about drugs.MOTHERBOARD

Soma, Spice and Substance D: A History of Drugs in Science Fiction

Ever since humans have been telling stories, we've been telling stories about drugs.
One of nature's strangest pathogens is possibly setting up camp in your throat.MOTHERBOARD

An Algae Virus Was Just Found in Humans, and It May Be Messing With Our Brains

One of nature's strangest pathogens is possibly setting up camp in your throat.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.





Begging bowl for donations.

all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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