Returning to the world
You have to go beyond duality and you also have to go beyond nonduality at the same time. You have to return to duality: that is the final goal. It is like the ox-herding pictures: finally you return to the world, with a big belly and with the ox behind you. That picture, returning to the world, is the final point. So you have duality; then you discover nonduality because of duality; then you transcend both nonduality and duality because of them. ~ Chögyam Trungpa in The Teacup and the Skullcup
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche on elegance
Elegance means appreciating things as they are. There is a sense of delight and of fearlessness.

Allen Ginsberg - Father Death Blues
Allen Ginsberg sings “Father Death Blues”, and relates two anecdotes on death involving his guru Trungpa Rinpoche. From the documentary “A Poet on the Lower ...

What Trungpa Rinpoche Accomplished
Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche reflects on Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's life and teachings