contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
Aurora Snow tells her unborn son why she chose to join the adult film industry—and have her own children.THEDAILYBEAST

A Porn Star’s Letter to Her Unborn Son

Aurora Snow tells her unborn son why she chose to join the adult film industry—and have her own children.
Hated and mocked in much of the world, the Nazi leader has developed a strange following among schoolchildren and readers of Mein Kampf in India. Dilip D’Souza on how political leader Bal Thackeray influenced Indians to admire Hitler and despise Gandhi.THEDAILYBEAST

Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

Hated and mocked in much of the world, the Nazi leader has developed a strange following among schoolchildren and readers of Mein Kampf in India. Dilip D’Souza on how political leader Bal Thackeray influenced Indians to admire Hitler and despise Gandhi.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.






Begging bowl for donations.

all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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