contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
Vulture is taking you to film school this week, and we’ve got a great faculty. In our new series How to Make a Movie, some of film’s most accomplished artists from a wide array of fields will be explaining their techniques. He tells every detail, from picking the perfect Tenenbaum brownstone to recruiting a reluctant Gene Hackman.Vulture

How Wes Anderson Made The Royal Tenenbaums

Vulture is taking you to film school this week, and we’ve got a great faculty. In our new series How to Make a Movie, some of film’s most accomplished artists from a wide array of fields will be explaining their techniques. He tells every detail, from picking the perfect Tenenbaum brownstone to recruiting a reluctant Gene Hackman.
So what does one do when the end is foreordained? The centrality of this question in 12 Monkeys is what makes it more valuable than ever, and one of the most currently relevant pieces of science fiction ever committed to celluloid. In addition to being visually stunning and filled with fascinating — if occasionally overcooked — performances, it puts forth a clarion call that is woefully necessary in these dark times. In short, 12 Monkeys offers a vision of the curious joy and hope that we must embrace when all conventional forms of it have been lost.vulture

12 Monkeys Is the Apocalypse Movie We Need Right Now

So what does one do when the end is foreordained? The centrality of this question in 12 Monkeys is what makes it more valuable than ever, and one of the most currently relevant pieces of science fiction ever committed to celluloid. In addition to being visually stunning and filled with fascinating — if occasionally overcooked — performances, it puts forth a clarion call that is woefully necessary in these dark times. In short, 12 Monkeys offers a vision of the curious joy and hope that we must embrace when all conventional forms of it have been lost.
This is a very well done and eye-opening doc (released today on Netflix) on the Oregon fake guru Osho/Rajneesh commune, which was the first organization to perpetrate a biological attack inside the US.Vulture

Wild Wild Country May Be the Craziest Series You Watch All Year

This is a very well done and eye-opening doc (released today on Netflix) on the Oregon fake guru Osho/Rajneesh commune, which was the first organization to perpetrate a biological attack inside the US.
How the author of Infinite Jest became the center of a self-help cult.Vulture

The Rewriting of David Foster Wallace

How the author of Infinite Jest became the center of a self-help cult.
I've always rejected the idea that standup comedy is useful as merely a stepping stone to other things (movies, a sitcom, writing gigs). In my opinion, it’s as noble a final destination as any other. hat’s what made Seinfeld documentary Comedian so refreshing to watch — a legendary, insanely-wealthy comic heading enthusiastically back into the standup fray, while a virtual no-name claws and screams as he tries to escape it.vulture

Six Comedians We Wish Would Return to Standup

I've always rejected the idea that standup comedy is useful as merely a stepping stone to other things (movies, a sitcom, writing gigs). In my opinion, it’s as noble a final destination as any other. hat’s what made Seinfeld documentary Comedian so refreshing to watch — a legendary, insanely-wealthy comic heading enthusiastically back into the standup fray, while a virtual no-name claws and screams as he tries to escape it.
Woody Allen uses a split screen two times in the film, both times to illustrate the differences between Annie’s waspy psyche and Alvy’s Jewish psyche.Vulture

‘Annie Hall’ and Woody Allen’s Experimental Visual Film Style

Woody Allen uses a split screen two times in the film, both times to illustrate the differences between Annie’s waspy psyche and Alvy’s Jewish psyche.
Lost in Translation was released ten years ago today, so it also marks ten years of people asking each other, vulture

Theories on What Bill Murray Whispered at the End of Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation was released ten years ago today, so it also marks ten years of people asking each other, "What do you think Bill Murray whispered to Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost in Translation?" It remains one of the biggest mysteries in recent film history, its secrecy enhanced by the fact that no one besides the actors knows for sure what Murray said as Bob.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.





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