contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
A new book argues that work that is of no real value has proliferated. No wonder productivity is

Too Many Jobs Feel Meaningless Because They Are

A new book argues that work that is of no real value has proliferated. No wonder productivity is stagnant.
The platforms have mushroomed from fewer than 10 to more than 2,000, but only a few hundred operate with government-issued permits.BLOOMBERG

China's Lending Crackdown Is Notable for Three Reasons

The platforms have mushroomed from fewer than 10 to more than 2,000, but only a few hundred operate with government-issued permits.
For the advertising industry, ad blocking is an existential crisis. For the Pi-hole community, it’s a sport.Bloomberg

Inside the Brotherhood of the Ad Blockers

For the advertising industry, ad blocking is an existential crisis. For the Pi-hole community, it’s a sport.
Government should scrutinize and publicize the harms of social media – not use antitrust regulation to encourage even more platforms.Bloomberg

Treat Facebook Like Big Tobacco

Government should scrutinize and publicize the harms of social media – not use antitrust regulation to encourage even more platforms.
I clicked consumed in rage, yet I was persuaded. // “It could be argued that the existence of a tax that countries cannot properly enforce is one of the factors undermining trust in governments and feeding populist movements. ... There are other ways governments can keep corporations in check -- for example, through environmental, safety and labor regulations, which U.S. Republicans and Brexiters dislike but which ultimately benefit consumers in a way the corporate tax doesn't. ... And the same time, there is a degree of fairness in imposing taxes where goods and services are consumed, and not where a company that sells them is domiciled.”BLOOMBERG

Don't Lower Corporate Taxes. Abolish Them.

I clicked consumed in rage, yet I was persuaded. // “It could be argued that the existence of a tax that countries cannot properly enforce is one of the factors undermining trust in governments and feeding populist movements. ... There are other ways governments can keep corporations in check -- for example, through environmental, safety and labor regulations, which U.S. Republicans and Brexiters dislike but which ultimately benefit consumers in a way the corporate tax doesn't. ... And the same time, there is a degree of fairness in imposing taxes where goods and services are consumed, and not where a company that sells them is domiciled.”
As the country’s population ages and shrinks, there’s increasing demand for services that clean out and dispose of the property of the

Dying Alone in Japan: The Industry Devoted to What’s Left Behind

As the country’s population ages and shrinks, there’s increasing demand for services that clean out and dispose of the property of the dead.
Uber self-driving vehicle struck and killed woman Sunday night in TempeBloomberg

First death by robot car

Uber self-driving vehicle struck and killed woman Sunday night in Tempe
The field begins to look like others that rely on

Economics Has a Math Problem

The field begins to look like others that rely on data.
The spillover from retailer debt will flow far and wide across the economy.BLOOMBERG

America’s ‘Retail Apocalypse’ Is Really Just Beginning

The spillover from retailer debt will flow far and wide across the economy.
Even if you put everything into the right blue bins, a lot of plastics will end up in landfills and the ocean. Consumers can't solve this problem.Bloomberg

The Recycling Game Is Rigged Against You

Even if you put everything into the right blue bins, a lot of plastics will end up in landfills and the ocean. Consumers can't solve this problem.
Climate deniers blame natural factors; NASA data proves otherwiseBloomberg

What's Really Warming the World?

Climate deniers blame natural factors; NASA data proves otherwise
A pair of new studies sheds light on an old problem: Some things doctors do are useless. Some are even harmful.Bloomberg

Too Many Medicines Simply Don’t Work

A pair of new studies sheds light on an old problem: Some things doctors do are useless. Some are even harmful.
While Alphabet faces existential challenges, its co-founder is exercising his right to be

Where in the World Is Larry Page?

While Alphabet faces existential challenges, its co-founder is exercising his right to be forgotten.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.






Begging bowl for donations.

all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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