contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
How bad sex writing and professional jealousy soured Nabokov and Wilson’s literary bromance. // Alex Beam's brilliant book The Feud: Vladimir Nabokov, Edmund Wilson, and the End of a Beautiful Friendship charts the rise and fall of the friendship of the two writers. Among the public barbs in the New York Review of Books and arguments about whether to translate a word in Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin as PUBLISHERSWEEKLY

Inside Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson’s Epic Literary Feud

How bad sex writing and professional jealousy soured Nabokov and Wilson’s literary bromance. // Alex Beam's brilliant book The Feud: Vladimir Nabokov, Edmund Wilson, and the End of a Beautiful Friendship charts the rise and fall of the friendship of the two writers. Among the public barbs in the New York Review of Books and arguments about whether to translate a word in Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin as "sapajous" or "monkeys," the two extremely opinionated men had many opinions about sex.

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