contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
Italian author Umberto Eco had sounded the warning note two decades ago.QZ

India is displaying classic signs that foreshadow fascism

Italian author Umberto Eco had sounded the warning note two decades ago.
What has the ability to influence your opinions, in some cases, even more than your own political party? A metaphor, as it turns out.QZ

Metaphors can change our opinions in ways we don’t even realize

What has the ability to influence your opinions, in some cases, even more than your own political party? A metaphor, as it turns out.
This week, following three days of live-broadcast peer review sessions, experts concluded that a pair of federal studies show “clear evidence” that cell phone radiation caused heart cancer in male rats.QZ

We now have the first clear evidence cell phone radiation can cause cancer in rats

This week, following three days of live-broadcast peer review sessions, experts concluded that a pair of federal studies show “clear evidence” that cell phone radiation caused heart cancer in male rats.
The data shown above come from the Facebook dating app, Are You Interested (AYI), which works like this: Users in search of someone for a date or for sex flip through…QZ

The uncomfortable racial preferences revealed by online dating

The data shown above come from the Facebook dating app, Are You Interested (AYI), which works like this: Users in search of someone for a date or for sex flip through…
The reality is that the woven-cloth surgical masks provide minimal protection from environmental viruses anyway.QZ

A quick history of why Asians wear surgical masks in public

The reality is that the woven-cloth surgical masks provide minimal protection from environmental viruses anyway.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.






Begging bowl for donations.

all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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