contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
People who frequently engage with multiple types of media at once performed worse on simple memory tasks, according to the last decade of research. However, it’s still too soon to determine cause and effect, says psychology Professor Anthony Wagner.stanford

Heavy multitaskers have reduced memory

People who frequently engage with multiple types of media at once performed worse on simple memory tasks, according to the last decade of research. However, it’s still too soon to determine cause and effect, says psychology Professor Anthony Wagner.
The Stanford scholars who founded the groundbreaking online encyclopedia say that the project owes its success to the unique way it organizes its community of…STANFORD

After 20 years, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy thrives on the web

The Stanford scholars who founded the groundbreaking online encyclopedia say that the project owes its success to the unique way it organizes its community of…

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Padma Dorje.






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