contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
A bold experiment by the One Laptop Per Child organization has shown “encouraging” results.TECHNOLOGYREVIEW

Given Tablets but No Teachers, Ethiopian Children Teach Themselves

A bold experiment by the One Laptop Per Child organization has shown “encouraging” results.
21st-century digital evangelists had a lot in common with early Christians and Russian revolutionaries.technologyreview

The four ways that ex-internet idealists explain where it all went wrong

21st-century digital evangelists had a lot in common with early Christians and Russian revolutionaries.
The Japanese nuclear disaster bathed north America in a radioactive cloud. Now pharmacologists have found the telltale signature in California wine made at the time.technologyreview

Fukushima’s nuclear signature found in California wine

The Japanese nuclear disaster bathed north America in a radioactive cloud. Now pharmacologists have found the telltale signature in California wine made at the time.
The popular portrayal of computers as magic boxes capable of anything has done real societal harm. Now one TV show wants to save us.TECHNOLOGYREVIEW

Mr. Robot killed the Hollywood hacker

The popular portrayal of computers as magic boxes capable of anything has done real societal harm. Now one TV show wants to save us.
A new theoretical model suggests that quantum entanglement helps prevent the molecules of life from breaking apart.TECHNOLOGYREVIEW

Quantum Entanglement Holds DNA Together

A new theoretical model suggests that quantum entanglement helps prevent the molecules of life from breaking apart.

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Padma is produced by
Padma Dorje.





Begging bowl for donations.

all content, design and coding by Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(except where explicitly otherwise indicated)

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